Friday, February 24, 2012

Productivity on air breathing test to measure ...

Air travel to the lungs through two major passages called bronchi. These large fragments further divided into thousands of smaller airways called branchioles. At the end of the group is branchioles alveoli, or air bags. There are about 300 million alveoli in each lung. In a breath, these tiny, like a balloon, the air sacs stretch and disperse oxygen through their thin walls into the bloodstream. As a person exhales, remove bags and eliminate waste air (carbon dioxide) from the body. Emphysema is a chronic disease that interferes with normal breathing. This occurs when the thin air sac walls (which are very elastic) become inflamed, causing them to lose their elasticity. They overexpand and lose their ability to replenish and contract properly. When air gets trapped in these tiny sacs, some rupture in a large air space instead of several small ones. Air bubbles can not be completely relieved when the patient exhales, and breathing becomes increasingly difficult. The first sign of illness is the feeling can not get enough air. In the early stages of emphysema, shortness of breath (dyspnea) can be seen only during activity. In advanced stages, a person can fight for air, even when sitting quietly or lying down. Other symptoms include:

feel tired, because less oxygen gets to the body

poor appetite. Nutrition is a strain, because it takes more breath. Weight loss caused by reduced interest in food

smoking (including cigarettes, cigars and pipes) is the main cause of emphysema, which account for about 80% of all cases. Smoke damage to hair in small bronchi called cilia.

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Cilia are responsible for maintaining irritating substances and germs from the respiratory tract. If the airways are not regularly

cleaned, they become inflamed and elastic fibers break down. Another cause of emphysema is:

air pollution, both indoors and outdoors

Lack of light protection protein alpha-1-antitrypsin. This is a hereditary disease. At high risk of emphysema people over 40 who have smoked for a long period of their lives. Emphysema patients at increased risk of other lung diseases such as cancer bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and lung. After taking a thorough medical history, paying particular attention to the length of time a person has been smoking and how severe the symptoms, the doctor will examine the chest and lungs. He or she will also check the heart to make sure emphysema caused cardiac stress. Tests will be done to determine how well or poorly the lung. Depending on the stage of the disease, your doctor may also conduct other tests, including:

Air breathing volume test to measure the air lock >> << As lung damage already caused purchase lasix by emphysema can not be canceled, first treatment to stop all smoking. It can stop or slow down considerably the further development of the disease. Other options for the treatment of emphysema are:

Bronchodilators that drugs that can help clear the airways increased by relaxing the muscles surrounding the passage Corticosteroids

, who inhaled medication used to reduce inflammation delicate lining of air passages

additional oxygen, which comes in three forms: compressed gas, cold liquid oxygen and concentrator. They are designed for home use patient. Transplantation, complicated operation in which diseased lung is removed and replaced with the patient's lung donor

Mark S. Taper Foundation Imaging Center.

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